Melinda Baker Mortgage Broker

Melinda Baker

Mortgage Broker

1370 Kilarney Beach Road Box 190, Lefroy, Ontario







18. They say, “you shall own nothing and be happy.”


They say, “you shall own nothing and be happy.”

I say, “No!”

What do you say?

Is it your idea of a life worth living … giving up and giving into the bullies in life?

In my opinion MAID is not an option for the hopeless. There are places and ways that you can help yourself and others to win and thrive in life regardless of the internal and external wars around us.

There are many pieces of the same pie. Some are big and others are small. In many cases, you can cut it even smaller when the need arises. The pie can be shared by many more than you could even imaging so most people could get just a taste on the tip of a spoon. The choice is in your hands, and you need the God given freedom to have those choices regardless of what “they say.” You need to be willing to step out and offer something and then share what you have along the way. There is enough around for those who want to earn that piece, their piece of the pie. Then some of us who are compassionate capitalist.1 will make it a point to come along side you then share with others some tools for a better life. In the end it starts with you. You wanting to own something, set you plan and then working that plan.

In a recent article about Tiff Macklem the Governor of the Bank of Canada announcement he mentioned,

“As a teenager growing up in the 1970s, Tiff Macklem said he recognized the impact high inflation was having on everyone: “Inflation made everyone angry.” “2 Are you angry? I know in this high inflation environment where everything is costing so much more, at times yes, I am Angry. It doesn’t have to be this way. I know, I don’t want to live my life angry either.

The article continues to walk through some of the impact that high inflation and the how he (Tiff and BOC) is working to not have the inflation entrenched. (dig in for longer) as it did in the 70’s

… “The 1970s showed us the very high cost of entrenched inflation, and we know we need to avoid that danger this time around,” he said on Wednesday in prepared remarks to the Saint John Region Chamber of Commerce.

He noted that the government and central bank of the day “weren’t willing to stay the course” to restrain government spending and tighten monetary policy enough to rid the economy of inflationary pressures. 2

In an earlier Oct 2023 announcement …

Bank of Canada Governor Tiff Macklem says fiscal and monetary policy are rowing in opposite directions, making it harder to bring inflation down. 3

The current Prime Minister Justin Trudeau in 2014 said, “the Budget can balance itself.”4

As mentioned in the above two articles, (2,3) government spending is still part of the inflation problem and not being brought in line, by the current LiberalNDP Coalition government.

Everyone plays a part, and it is our civil responsibility to step up and hold accountable and at times call out the Government employees and others who are not working in the best interests of taxpayers you and me. The government’s overspending is not helping us the taxpayers. We, who are paying them to represent us and manager OUR MONEY THAT WE PAY through taxes.

When we are able to keep more money in our pockets, we can choose to build our plan, our businesses and give to help others. It won’t be easy and at times you wonder if it will be worth it but believe me it is a life worth living. I encourage you that you can make a difference. You can dream, plan, and work together with others who will build a better life for themselves and others around you. I hope you will take a risk and come along with me, in this your journey in life to earn your piece of the pie.

When you do, you will help to take others with you to build a stronger life owning something and being happy in a more successful Canadian life.


  1. https://fee.org/articles/nordic-economics-explained-the-difference-between-compassionate-capitalism-and-socialism/
  2. https://www.canadianmortgagetrends.com/2023/11/bocs-macklem-doesnt-want-to-repeat-the-inflation-fighting-mistakes-of-the-1970s/
  3. https://www.ctvnews.ca/politics/fiscal-and-monetary-policy-rowing-in-opposite-directions-macklem-says-1.6623438
  4. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5VgNEsWx9pI&t=1s

Melinda Baker         Mortgage Broker M21000893           Verico The Mortgage Station 11707

705-220-1608        melinda@themortgagestation.ca       mortgageweb.ca/melindabaker


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