Karen Beckingham
Mortgage Professional
99 Scurfiled Blvd, suite 100, Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3Y1Y1
PARTNERSStatistics Canada: Measuring unmet housing need and housing instability in households with roommates and extended family
- In 2021, 1.65 million households comprised of roommates or extended family sharing living space. These households were about evenly split between those with roommates and those with extended family, each group representing about 800,000 households.
- One in five households with roommates or extended family members (21.7%) was living in a crowded dwelling, compared with 3.4% of other households. In contrast, households with roommates or extended family members (16.7%) were less likely to be in unaffordable housing than other households (21.5%).
- About 900,000 people lived with extended family without contributing to housing costs, and almost half (47.5%) of them had no income or an income of less than $30,000.
- Just under 400,000 people lived with non-relatives without contributing to housing costs, and over one-third (36.6%) of them were living in poverty. Estimates of the number of people in shared housing experiencing housing instability or unmet housing need varied depending on the criteria used to define these concepts. One estimate suggested that 71,000 people had several risk factors for housing instability or unmet housing need, including living with non-relatives, not contributing to housing costs, having an income of less than $30,000 or living in poverty, and residing in a crowded dwelling. Another estimate indicated that just under 1.7 million people could be experiencing housing instability or unmet housing need when defined solely by living in a crowded dwelling.