Marg DeBoer Mortgage Broker

Marg DeBoer

Mortgage Broker

#5-1253 Silvan Forest Drive, Burlington, Ontario







With 28 years of progressive experience across various industries, check out just a few testimonials




“Working with Marg has made what can be a complicated process so much easier to handle. Because of Marg I am happy and settled into my new home that I didn’t even expect to have when I started this process. What a delight it’s been to have Marg as my mortgage broker. Thank you Marg!”  Ben L.


‘Working with Marg to obtain a mortgage on our house was a smooth and efficient process. Marg treated us like we were her only clients; being quick to respond to questions and consistently helpful. I feel like she got us the best rates around, and helped us obtain a secured line of credit at an amazing rate as well. I wouldn’t need to use any other mortgage broker! Marg is highly knowledgeable and trustworthy at what she does.’
Sarah & Nate


We were incredibly fortunate to have had a chance to work with Marg on our house refinance! She was attentive, clear, and invested in our experience. Any concerns we had about the process were quickly simplified and addressed. Marg made the entire experience as painless as possible and was truly invested in our little family’s wellbeing. I not only would recommend her to other but will be returning to her for any services we may need in the future!
Pamela & Alex


I would highly recommend Marg. I guarantee you will be absolutely thrilled you did. Not only is she excellent at what she does, she is also so thoughtful, understanding and pleasant. She will walk you through everything, explain in detail all your options, remind you when you need to get things done. Marg had all the bases covered and she got me an excellent rate. She always returned all my calls promptly and has given me some solid guidance and for that, I am truly grateful.


Thank you for your sweet encouragement and supporting us through the smooth and quick process of buying our first home! We appreciate your availability, willingness to connect, and prompt answers to our many questions. 
Brad & Natalya


Thank you very much, Marg, for working with us. You are an exceptional listener, you are very knowledgeable, and you are compassionate - helping us to find a solution that works best for us. We look forward to continuing to work with you!
Jaimie & Ruben



EDUCATION IS KEY -- when you have access to the information, and its tailored to you in your situation, you can look at solutions instead of wondering.





BLOG / NEWS Updates

NBC Housing Market Monitor: Housing market lost its emerging momentum in July

Home sales edged down 0.7% between June and July, a decline that follows a 3.4% pick up in the previous month which was due to the beginning of easing monetary policy by the Bank of Canada. On the supply side, new listings edged up 0.9% from June to July, the sixth advance in seven months. Active listings edged down 0.7% in July from their highest level since March 2020, the first decrease in five months. Meanwhile, the number of months of inventory (active listings-to-sales) remained stable at 4.2 during the month, a level back in line with its pre-pandemic level. Market conditions were unchanged in July and remained tighter than their historical average in most provinces. They were balanced in Manitoba and B.C., and softer than average in Ontario. After a slowdown in June, housing starts increased 37.9K in July to 279.5K (seasonally adjusted and annualized), a result well above the median economist forecast calling for a 245.0K print and its highest level since June 2023. Urban starts increased by 38.8K (to 261.1K) on an important gain in the multi-family segment (+38.1K to 217.3K) while the single-family segment was up marginally (+0.7K to 43.8). Starts practically doubled in Toronto (+30.7K to 65.1K), and also grew in Vancouver (+9.6K to 30.1K) and Calgary (+6.6K to 29.1K). On the other hand, they dropped significantly in Montreal (-26.0K to 9.0K) to their lowest level since February 2015 (excluding April 2020). The TeranetNational Bank Composite National House Price Index remained virtually stable from June to July, with a marginal increase of 0.2% after adjustment for seasonal effects. Six of the 11 markets in the composite index were up over the month: Hamilton (+2.3%), Victoria (+1.0%), Halifax (+0.8%), Calgary (+0.7%), Toronto (+0.3%) and Quebec City (+0.2%). Conversely, prices fell in Ottawa-Gatineau (-0.4%), Winnipeg (-0.1%), Vancouver (-0.1%) and Montreal (-0.1%), while they remained stable in Edmonton. https://www.nbc.ca/content/dam/bnc/taux-analyses/analyse-eco/logement/economic-news-resale-market.pdf

Scotiabank: Canada Housing Market: Still at the doorstep of a recovery, but hesitant to knock at the door

National housing resale conditions softened from June to July as reflected by the modest decline in the sales-to-new listings ratio. Over this period, national sales declined by 0.7% (sa m/m) while new listings increased 0.9%. In July, sales were higher by 4.8% (nsa) compared to the same month in 2023. After increasing from May to June, the sales-to-new listings ratiowhich reflects how tight resale conditions areedged down to 52.7% from June to July, essentially back to its May level, and still within the range for balanced national resale market conditions (of between 45% to 65%). Months of inventory remained unchanged over this period at 4.2, still below its long-term (pre-pandemic) average of 5.3. And since the national market aggregates very different regional markets, there are wide variations in terms of how this indicator compares to its long-term average across provinces, ranging from less than 2 weeks above average in Ontario and British Colombia and Ontario to 5.7 months below in New Brunswick. About 2/3 of the markets witnessed a decline in their sales-to-new listings ratio from June to July. Consequently, the number of sellers favouring markets declined from 10 in June to 5 in July while the number of balanced markets increased from 16 to 22. https://www.scotiabank.com/ca/en/about/economics/economics-publications/post.other-publications.housing.housing-news-flash.august-15--2024.html


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