My Rates

6 Months 4.09%
1 Year 4.99%
2 Years 4.64%
3 Years 4.19%
4 Years 4.29%
5 Years 4.19%
7 Years 4.44%
10 Years 5.75%
6 Months Open 4.09%
1 Year Open 7.45%
*Rates subject to change and OAC
Frank Van Bodegom Mortgage Broker, C.P.M.A.

Frank Van Bodegom

Mortgage Broker, C.P.M.A.

1370 Killarney Beach Road Box 190, Lefroy, Ontario, L0L 1W0







It PAYS to shop around.

Many Canadian homeowners pay too much for their homes because they are not getting the best mortgage financing available in the market.

The mortgage process can be intimidating for homeowners, and some financial institutions don't make the process any easier.

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I’m a VERICO Mortgage Advisor and I’m an independent, unbiased, expert, here to help you move into a home you love.

I have access to mortgage products from over forty lenders at my fingertips and I work with you to determine the best product that will fit your immediate financial needs and future goals.

VERICO mortgage specialists are Canada’s Trusted Experts who will be with you through the life of your mortgage.

I save you money by sourcing the best products at the best rates – not only on your first mortgage but through every subsequent renewal. So whether you're buying a home, renewing your mortgage, refinancing, renovating, investing, or consolidating your debts — I’m the VERICO Mortgage Advisor who can help you get the right financing, from the right lender, at the right rate.

BLOG / NEWS Updates

Canadian labour force: What will happen once baby boomers retire?

This study uses several demographic scenarios to illustrate how Canadas labour force could evolve from 2023 to 2041. This projection exercise produced a number of findings. Despite the baby boomer cohorts retiring, the size of Canadas labour force is likely to increase over the next few years because of migratory increase. The scenarios show that the size of the labour force is sensitive to both immigration levels and above all, the participation rate of the Canadian population. If labour force participation in Canada in 2041 reached the same intensity as in Japan, the size of the Canadian labour force would increase in a similar way to the scenario in which 750,000 permanent immigrants are admitted annually. The increase in the overall participation rate would be five times higher in the scenario where participation rates in Canada converge toward those currently observed in Japan, compared with the increase observed in the scenario in which Canada admits 750,000 immigrants annually. The scenario in which participation rates converge toward those observed in Japan, while unlikely given the significant differences between the two societies, nevertheless illustrates the potential impact of an increase in Canadians participation rate on the growth and demographic weight of the labour force. Canadas strong population growth, driven by large-scale immigration, brings both opportunities and challenges. While it increases the size of the labour force, it has a limited impact on the overall labour force participation rate and on the aging and renewal of the labour force. Beyond its purely demographic impact, immigration also exerts pressure on housing supply, infrastructure construction and the provision of services to the population, while also addressing unfilled job demands in certain employment sectors. The results of this population projection exercise show that immigration is not the only lever for influencing the evolution of the Canadian labour force. According to the projections, various processes will stabilize at the start of the 2030s, when the last baby boomers turn 65. Furthermore, the projections show that immigration levels would not significantly influence the aging or rejuvenation of the future labour force if they remained relatively constant over time. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/75-006-x/2024001/article/00005-eng.htm

Short-term rentals in the Canadian housing market

The role of short-term rentals (STRs) in Canadas housing challenges remains a subject of ongoing policy debate in many Canadian cities. While there is a widespread notion that such rentals limit the availability of long-term housing, empirical analysis of their impacts has produced mixed results. This paper provides an overview of STR activity across Canada. The paper focuses on the subset of STRs that could potentially serve as long-term housing. This subset of STRs, referred to as potential long-term dwellings (PLTDs), is intended to capture STR units that are not serving as anyones primary residence, but could potentially function as long-term housing (either as owner-occupied or rental units). The PLTD subset comprises entire units listed for more than 180 days a year, excluding vacation-type properties. Previous research indicates that STR activity plays an increasingly significant role in the Canadian accommodation services subsector, with its share of revenues rising from an estimated 7.0% in 2017 to 15.2% in 2021. However, in the housing market, STRs still account for a small proportion of total housing units. In 2023, the estimated number of PLTDs in Canada was 107,266, a figure that represents less than 1% of total housing units in Canada. PLTDs also accounted for a small share of total housing units in Canadas largest census metropolitan areas (CMAs). However, the share of PLTDs was higher in tourist areas, particularly around ski hills. In Whistler, they constituted 35.0% of all housing units, while in Mont-Tremblant, their share was 16.4%. https://www150.statcan.gc.ca/n1/pub/11-621-m/11-621-m2024010-eng.htm


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