Lou Salvino
7500 Martin Grove Road, Unit 7, 2nd Floor, Vaughan, Ontario
Best Intentions
While an overwhelming percentage of Canadians agree that homeownership is a good thing, and that today's real estate conditions make it a good time to purchase a home, it's interesting to discover how long buyers take to actually act on their home-owning intentions.
According to the Canada Housing and Mortgage Corporation, 70 percent, or more than two-thirds of recent homebuyers, reported they had spent at least six months planning their purchases. The national average shows homebuyers taking 12 months to plan, with those in the Prairies taking nine months, compared to homebuyers in Quebec taking an average of 15 months to plan their purchase.
Budgeting for a new mortgage is a significant part of the home buying process, and, in fact, should be the first step in the hunt for a property. When you don't know what you can afford, there is no point in wasting your time viewing properties that are potentially unsuitable for your budget.
Being familiar with the services of a mortgage broker, you know how easy it is to get the information you need about all the financing options available. And you know that, because there is no cost or obligation for these services, you can feel comfortable asking the questions you need answers to, without any pressure.
Please call with your questions on financing your next property. A mortgage broker's job includes sitting down with you and going over your budget, and your home ownership goals. With that information, we can review the most effective financing options, allowing you to hunt for a property with clear, feasible objectives in mind.