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Ann Marie  Drohan Mortgage Broker

Ann Marie Drohan

Mortgage Broker

141 Torbay Road, St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, A1A 2H1

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Mortgage options in today’smarket can be confusing and intimidating to even the savviest of shoppers. Somany lenders and so many choices make it difficult to decide what’s best foryou!  I have the knowledge and access tohelp you navigate these decisions with ease. Whether you’re thinking aboutbuying, making a major purchase or renovation, simply refinancing or buying arental property, I have over 20 years experience in the banking and financeindustry and bring a wealth of experience and resources to help you. Your homeis likely the most important investment you’ll make in your lifetime! Let meshow you how I can effectively negotiate the best mortgage options for you bylistening to your individual needs, then planning and communicating aneffective strategy to get the best rate, with flexible terms that best suityour needs and lifestyle. I recognize that each individual has different needs.I can show you how to pay your mortgage off years sooner and savethousands of dollars in interest.


Scotia Bank TD Bank First National EQ Bank MCAP Merix