Lou Salvino
7500 Martin Grove Road, Unit 7, 2nd Floor, Vaughan, Ontario, L4L 8S9
Rate Your Mortgage
Mortgage rates have been front-page news for a while now, with the focus being in the historically low rates currently being offered to mortgagors. When borrowers find themselves being caught up in calculating dollars and cents, it's important to remember that a mortgage is about so much more than only the interest rate.
A mortgage broker's job is to make sure that the mortgage you choose fits your needs, financial capabilites and lifestyle. Once we make sure you're comfortabke with your options, we will also go over a number of other features to see where else you can save money. For example, we will discuss and explain:
- flexible payment options
- prepayment options and penalties
- lender fees, if applicable
- portability and assumability
- missed payment flexibility
It's important for homeowners to know that answers to your everyday questions are just a phone-call away. For example, you may recieve an annual bonus at work and may wonder how much of a difference it would make in the long-term if you decided to apply that lump sum to your mortgage. Or you may want a comparison on how many years you could shave off your mortgage - and how much money you would subsequently save in interest - if you increased the amount, or the frequency of your regular mortgage payments.
Please call today for answers to all these questions, plus - yes - information on the most attractive interet rates available.